Monday, June 6, 2011

The Beginning of Our Journey

Who knows when our journey actually started... some might say it started when we first come up with the idea to travel a year ago, or when we bought our plane tickets a few months ago and got the preparation under way, or in two days when we step foot onto the airplane.

Right now is an important beginning, this is the first post of a blog that is going to document our stories, experiences and journey for the next 4 months, while we are in Uganda. Personally I feel like this journey started a long time ago because we have been talking about this trip and getting ready for it for almost a year. And it is really exciting that it is right around the corner, but I am also anxious because I don't know what to expect and it is hard to prepare yourself for w trip like this when you don't know what to expect.

I am a little proud of myself for creating this blog (it's a first for me) and hopefully this will be a much better way of keeping in touch with all the people we love, rather than mass emails. We will miss you all and I look forward to keeping you posted!


  1. Nice job setting up this blog. It will be fun to follow it. Safe travels!

  2. Thinking I have figured out this blog site....xo....thank you both for being in my life let your new adventures begin with love and excitement, Mom
