Saturday, June 25, 2011

Birthday Blog

In the days leading up to my birthday I was extremely homesick and because of that some horrible and unnecessary worrying about having a terrible birthday plagued my mind. I didn't know what to expect (that's true most days), but I knew I didn't have anything to worry about, because in the least it was going to be an interesting birthday since I am in a strange place with wonderful people.
I made sure my birthday started on a good note, by making myself a typical "American" breakfast. I got some help from Mike and our housekeeper Justine. We traded in running water and electricity for a housekeeper that does everything a dishwasher, washing machine, dryer and cook does, and she does it for 7 of us that live in the guest house. It feels a bit ironic for me because (1) I am so used to doing everything myself and (2) we came here to help them, and it feel like the other way around even thought she probably wouldn't have any income if she didn't work for us. Anyway the menu for breakfast was absolutely delicious; scrambled eggs with cheese, banana pancakes, Canadian bacon and coffee. Most of these foods are special but in general we eat very well because we can afford to go into the city of Mbale and buy it.
After breakfast to my surprise I was given several presents. I got a beautiful pair of earrings that I wore all day long, some fabric to have a dress made out of, a notebook, some pens and batteries. (I guess you only have to know me ten days to figure out that I like jewelry and practical gifts.) One of the nicest gift though was from Sabia, she let me borrow a gorgeous blue dress to wear all day long.
During the day I spent a few hours helping in the school office and a few hours making beaded bracelets with Mark and Florence. Florence is the matron of the girls hostel, where some of the girls in the vocational school board because they live far away. I am hopefully going to start a girls club for the girls in the vocational school to help provide some counseling for them so they can make healthy and informed decisions. Mark used to be in the Children of Peace Program but now he is too old and he comes to the school everyday and makes beaded jewelry to sell. Barbara buys a lot of his stuff and brings it back to the US to sell, and before I leave I am going to buy a few things from him too.
In the afternoon all the students gathered for an asembly. A few general announcements were made but it turned out that Barbara told the teachers it was my birthday and they put together the asembly in my honor. To say they sang and that it was beautiful is such an understatement. Rhythm, beat, song and dance run through their veins like it is blood, that is keeping them alive and smiling. They sang a happy birthday song but with added lyrics, most of it I couldn't understand because of their accents, but they did sing "you look like an angel" over and over again. They also sang a song call How Wonderful Is A Woman, which the students learned to celebrate International Woman's Day, and boys and girls were singing it. Later in the afternoon, since it was Wednesday, a few younger girls from the Children of Peace come to have Girls Club. Along with tea and mandazees (the African version of a donut) they come to talk about challenges in their lives and receive counseling. It is good that they come because they may not receive that kind of advise from family members, teachers or peers. Most of them are between the ages of 12 and 18 and most of their questions are about sex and relationships. On one hand it is great that they are talking about it, but on the other hand it is sad because I worry that no matter how good these girls are at asserting themselves, they are always going to face pressure to have sex.
After the girls club I had about an hour to relax and drink wine, while the sun was setting and dinner was being made. I also had a chance to call my family, which was really nice and my sister promised to drink a beer for me. (There is beer in Uganda but it doesn't taste anything like the microbrews of New England that I am used to, plus it is usually warm.) Right before dinner I went down to the school's cook house, because that is where Mike and another volunteer Jordan, were attempting to bake a cake without an oven. I was impressed by their efforts even though at first glance and smell it seemed to be a little over done. For dinner we had goat stew with veggies and potatoes, which was absolutely mouth watering. We also had fresh pineapple, papaya and mango, which we have with almost every dinner and it is always delicious. The final course was the chocolate fudge brownie cake, and with nutella as icing I couldn't tell that it was burnt in a few spots.
Overall my birthday was full of glorious unexpected surprises and the laughs far out numbered the disappointments and tears. All day long I felt like a queen (and several times Mike told me I looked like a queen, he is wonderful). This community made me feel so loved, celebrated and appreciated on my birthday that I feel somewhat indebted to them. I hope I can put enough energy forth every day for the next three months to repay the loving kindness they have shown me.
Thank you Mom, Dad, Rachel, Wade, Luke, Eva, Carawyn and Gareth for being part of my family! Thank You Mike for being a loving partner and a pillar of support! Thank you to Barbara and the other volunteers for going above and beyond to make my birthday a joyous one! Thank you to the Bududa community for all the singing and for making this an unforgettable birthday!


  1. So happy that you had an outstanding birthday, Therese. Do me a favor and ask Mike that when you folks leave to come back to the states if he'll stay here a while and I'll fly Dave in so we can have a celebration of sorts (a homecoming). You know me, I need to make plane reservations early..... xo

  2. I love you guys...I miss you both a lot. It sounds wonderful. It brings up lots of memories of my trips. You'll love it most of the time but remember that even though their are tough moments you'll love every minute later and it will build a lifetime of memories that you'll cherish forever. I'm so jealous.
